Ideias e Ideologias

Ideias e Ideologias

O ambientalismo: Não o julgue pelos seus extremistas

February 2001 -- In recent months, the Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) has claimed responsibility for acts of arson across the country

21 de Outubro de 2010
Patrick Stephens
5 Mins
Moralidade e Política

Fevereiro de 2001 -- As tendências políticas de uma nação são governadas por vários factores - o estado da economia, os interesses particulares dos políticos

21 de Outubro de 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
5 Mins
Ética do lado da oferta

Um escritor que sofre de depressão clínica encontra alívio no Prozac. Percebendo quão profundamente o inventor da droga afectou a sua vida....

Oct 20, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
Postmodern Medicine

Postmodernism is the most recent incarnation and the now-reigning cult of the "anti-Enlightenment," having arisen largely from the ravings

Oct 19, 2010
James Lee Brooks
7 Mins
Picnic Time for Teddy Bears

A man from my neck of the woods was mauled by a bear. A politician, to be more accurate. John Chelminiak, who is alive but disfigured for...

Oct 15, 2010
Ilana Mercer
4 Mins
Individualismo comunitário e americano

November 2001 -- One of the most popular mantras, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, declares how great it is to see Americans

14 de Outubro de 2010
Shawn E. Klein
5 Mins
Foi como um filme': Atrocidade e as Artes

November 2001 -- A article from the Navigator Special: The Assault on Civilization, posted October 12, 2001. Published in the November 2001

14 de Outubro de 2010
Richard Speer
10 Mins
O intelectual como bárbaro

January 2002 -- The assault on civilization did not begin with the terrorist attacks of September 11. As Objectivists know, such an assault

Oct 13, 2010
5 Mins
Romanticism is Dead! Long Live Romanticism!

January 2002 -- When Victor Hugo was writing his last novel, Ninety-Three, during the years 1872 and 1873, the Naturalist school of fiction

Oct 13, 2010
Michelle Fram-Cohen
10 Mins
Sociobiologia e Altruísmo

Sociobiology is the doctrine that we have fundamental behaviors and psychological characteristics that are explained by the incentives

Sep 30, 2010
Progressivism and Objectivism

If only Progressivism could be a genus of Objectivism! But, alas, no.The Progressive movement was originally an intellectual and political

29 de Setembro de 2010
William Thomas
4 Mins

Objectivism does not recognize "parapsychological phenomena." As far as I know, there is no reliable evidence for any of them. Some forms...

Sep 28, 2010
William Thomas
2 mins
Sonhos Anti-Capitalistas

Larry Ribstein has a review of the anti-capitalist film Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps. And here is his article on the original Wall

Sep 25, 2010
3 Mins
The Need for a New Individualism

America has been the land of the individual, and most Americans have thought of themselves as individualists. We still speak favorably of...

Set 15, 2010
Edward Hudgins
10 Mins
Robert Nozick e o Bom Combate

Quem quer que faça algo, tendo comprado ou contratado por todos os outros recursos detidos utilizados no processo...tem direito a ele. A situação é não

9 de Setembro de 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
4 Mins
Individualism Meets Pulp Fiction

Winter 2005 -- I don’t watch TV—we’ve lived more than fifteen years without cable—and I’m not a big fan of film. My personal escape is

8 de Setembro de 2010
Lou Villadsen
8 Mins
A raiva: Os Sete Pecados Mortais

Robert Thurman sempre teve um problema com o seu temperamento, conta-nos em Anger, o quinto de uma série de livros sobre os sete pecados mortais...

8 de Setembro de 2010
Bradley Doucet
9 Mins
Huck Finn and the Nuremberg Rally

March 2006 -- Some of the most frightening images from Nazi Germany can be seen in Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will, the cinematic...

8 de Setembro de 2010
Bruce S. Thornton
5 Mins
Sidebar: Pioneiros do igualitarismo

Richard Henry Tawney (1880-1962) foi um historiador britânico que passou a maior parte da sua carreira na London School of Economics. Escreveu amplamente sobre

8 de Setembro de 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Mins
The Servile Citizen

A large billboard in a local Metro station cautions passersby to “Cover your cough” and “Wash your hands frequently” when you have a cold...

Set 7, 2010
Edward Hudgins
6 Mins

Promovemos o Objectivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, da realização, do individualismo, e da liberdade.