Ideias e Ideologias

Ideias e Ideologias

Crítica de livro: Seven Deadly Sins, Parte III: Luxúria

Simon Blackburn tem um objectivo ambicioso: elevar a luxúria "da categoria do pecado para a da virtude". O seu esforço, a luxúria, é o terceiro de uma...

15 de Março, 2011
Bradley Doucet
9 Mins
O Individualismo Racional Sobreviverá

Maio de 2008 -- Um dos meus prazeres editoriais é ser capaz de mostrar aos bons pensadores que estão dispostos e são capazes de debater as implicações da barba

15 de Março, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
6 Mins
Some Points of Agreement Between Ayn Rand and Nietzsche

Kevin Hill writes: “Given Nietzsche’s elusiveness and suggestiveness, I think that trying to understand Nietzsche in terms of a list of

8 de Março, 2011
David L. Potts
5 Mins
Epitome of Will to Power, Book 3, Part I

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 2000 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " Nietzsche and Objectivism ."...

8 de Março, 2011
David L. Potts
5 Mins
A Modern Scholasticism: Reflections on Derrida's "Cogito and the History of Madness

My primary assignment in this post is to comment on Jacques Derrida’s lecture “Cogito and the History of Madness.” So, I will begin with...

Fev 28, 2011
9 Mins
Resposta de Jamie Mellway

Este comentário faz parte do "CyberSeminar" online da The Atlas Society 1999 intitulado "The Continental Origins of Postmodernism" (As Origens Continentais do Pós-Modernismo).

27 de Fev., 2011
Jamie Mellway
2 Mins
Feminism and the Future

Winter 2010 -- Imagine a rich, new media landscape—one that extols complex heroines whose lives expand a young women's sense of the many...

8 de fev., 2011
10 Mins
Liberdade e Virtude na Boa Sociedade

Um dos prazeres de ser idealista e apontar as falhas da sociedade é ser perguntado com demasiada frequência: "Se não gostas disto aqui...

8 de fev., 2011
Bradley Doucet
10 Mins
The Call of the Entrepreneur

This past September, I was thrilled to see The Call of the Entrepreneur , a new documentary by The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion

28 de Janeiro, 2011
Marsha Enright
6 Mins
Washington Legal Foundation Files Amicus Brief no caso Rubashkin

When the ACLU gets involved in a case, even a business rights case, I tend not to notice, because of that organization’s infamous

28 de Janeiro, 2011
2 Mins
David Mayer Defende a Liberdade do Contrato

Mayer, a professor of law at Capital University Law School in Columbus, Ohio, has just had a book published by the Cato Institute: Liberty..

Jan 27, 2011
2 mins
Libertarian Package Deals

April 2008 -- Editor’s note: I’m pleased to yield my usual editorial space this month to Gene Holloway, director of operations and

Jan 26, 2011
Eugene C. Holloway
7 Mins
Humanism vs. Objectivism

Humanism is the doctrine that there is only the real world, that reason is our means of knowledge, and that human well-being in this life is

Jan 26, 2011
Feminism and Objectivism

Objectivism is an individualist philosophy. It holds that each person is a rational animal and that all individuals....

25 de Janeiro, 2011
2 Mins
Free State Project

The Atlas Society does not at this time have an official position on the Free State Project. However, I think it is safe to say that the

25 de Janeiro, 2011
2 Mins
Francine Prose: "Gluttony": Os Sete Pecados Mortais"

Pode ser muito menos comum hoje do que outrora pensar na gula como um verdadeiro crime contra o céu, mas ainda é o único entre os

Jan 16, 2011
Bradley Doucet
9 Mins
Rage and Objectivism

One cannot avoid recognizing that we live in a very angry age. At one time, people spoke to “My worthy opponent” when addressing someone...

Dec 29, 2010
Barbara Branden
10 Mins
Como Bharara Preet está a mudar a natureza do comércio de informação privilegiada

In my editorial “ Consider the Source ,” I speculated that Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, was

Dec 15, 2010
3 Mins
Considere a Fonte: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara

Earlier, I mentioned that accusation —of “rampant” insider trading—in connection with a sweeping new prosecution that has been launched by

Dec 14, 2010
5 Mins
Andy McCarthy on the Insider-Trading Case

Andy McCarthy was a federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York, which is where many financial cases are tried. Thus, he speaks

Nov 25, 2010
2 Mins

Promovemos o Objectivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, da realização, do individualismo, e da liberdade.