InícioWe're better off materially, but did this come a the cost of social and community life? Did the modern world fail in this way?EducaçãoUniversidade Atlas
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We're better off materially, but did this come a the cost of social and community life? Did the modern world fail in this way?

We're better off materially, but did this come a the cost of social and community life? Did the modern world fail in this way?

December 26, 2023

Question: We're better off materially, but did this come a the cost of social and community life? Did the modern world fail in this way?

Answer: Well, I would say let’s consider some social things: slavery, wife-beating, religious hatreds. Have those improved or worsened in the modern world? I think the record clearly shows that we’ve made great social improvements in all of those areas.

Or consider some other kinds of social events: family vacations, music concerts, sports events. Do we have more of those and better access to those, or fewer and worse? And again I think the record shows that we have a lot more of those things and they are a lot better, so the modern world has made great strides both materially and socially.

Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
About the author:
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.

Stephen R. C. Hicks is a Senior Scholar for The Atlas Society and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University. He is also the Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship at Rockford University.

Ele é autor de A Arte da Raciocínio: Leituras para Análise Lógica (W. W. Norton & Co., 1998), Explicando o pós-modernismo: Cepticismo e Socialismo de Rousseau a Foucault (Scholargy, 2004), Nietzsche e os nazis (Ockham's Razor, 2010), Vida empresarial (CEEF, 2016), Liberalismo Pro e Con (Connor Court, 2020), Arte: Moderno, Pós-moderno e Mais Além (com Michael Newberry, 2021) e Oito Filosofias da Educação (2022). Publicou em Business Ethics Quarterly, Review of Metaphysics, e The Wall Street Journal. Os seus escritos foram traduzidos em 20 línguas.

Tem sido Professor Visitante de Ética Empresarial na Universidade de Georgetown em Washington, D.C., Visiting Fellow no Centro de Filosofia e Política Social em Bowling Green, Ohio, Professor Visitante na Universidade de Kasimir the Great, Polónia, Visiting Fellow no Harris Manchester College da Universidade de Oxford, Inglaterra, e Professor Visitante na Universidade Jagiellonian, Polónia.

Os seus diplomas de licenciatura e mestrado são da Universidade de Guelph, Canadá. O seu doutoramento em Filosofia é da Universidade de Indiana, Bloomington, EUA.

Em 2010, ganhou o Prémio de Excelência em Ensino da sua universidade.

A sua série de podcasts Open College é publicada pela Possibly Correct Productions, Toronto. As suas palestras e entrevistas em vídeo estão online no CEE Video Channel, e o seu website é  

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