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BB&T defende os direitos

BB&T defende os direitos

3 Mins
9 de Junho, 2011

January 26, 2006 -- BB&T, a major bank with branches through the Southeast, has taken a stand for private property and individual rights, in reaction to the Supreme Court’s Kelo decision on eminent domain last June. The corporation announced that “it will not lend to commercial developers that plan to build condominiums, shopping malls and other private projects on land taken from private citizens by government entities using eminent domain.”

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Allison explained the policy as a matter of principle:


"The idea that a citizen’s property can be taken by the government solely for private use is extremely misguided, in fact it’s just plain wrong. One of the most basic

rights of every citizen is to keep what they own. As an institution dedicated to helping our clients achieve economic success and financial security, we won’t help any entity or company that would undermine that mission and threaten the hard-earned American dream of property ownership."

A principled public stand for individual rights is social responsibility of the highest order.

W. Kendall Chalk, Senior Executive Vice President, told reporters that the issue arose when the bank recently rejected a loan request for a project relying on eminent domain, but that such cases are unusual; the new policy would have only an "insignificant" effect on BB&T’s loan business. “Still, he said, BB&T is sympathetic to concerns about eminent domain expressed by some clients. The bank wants to show government officials its "opposition to the encroachment on private property rights." (Reuters)

The financial press speculated about the bank’s motives. Was it a practical judgment that a small loss of business would be outweighed by taking a popular stand (and avoiding the legal risks of eminent domain)? Or was it a matter of principles and values?

Those familiar with Ayn Rand ’s philosophy of Objectivism will recognize this as a false dichotomy—and so does BB&T. According to an online statement,

"Since we build on the facts of reality and our ability to reason, we are capable of achieving both success and happiness….

"Because we have developed our principles logically, based on reality, we will always act consistently with our principles. Regardless of the short-term benefits, acting inconsistently with our principles is to our long-term detriment. We do not, therefore, believe in compromising our principles in any situation.

"Principles provide carefully thought-out concepts which will lead to our long-term success and happiness. Violating our principles will always lead to failure. BB&T is an organization of the highest integrity."

Allison has often spoken publicly about his admiration for Ayn Rand and the influence of Objectivism on the principles by which the business operates. The impact is clear in BB&T’s of statement of corporate philosophy, which is unusually thoughtful, integrated, and clearly explained.

We salute Allison and his colleagues. If the term “corporate social responsibility” can be given a legitimate, non-collectivism meaning, a principled public stand for individual rights is social responsibility of the highest order.

David Kelley


David Kelley

David Kelley é o fundador da The Atlas Society. Filósofo profissional, professor e autor best-seller, tem sido um dos principais defensores do Objectivismo durante mais de 25 anos.

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David Kelley Ph.D
About the author:
David Kelley Ph.D

David Kelley founded The Atlas Society (TAS) in 1990 and served as Executive Director through 2016. In addition, as Chief Intellectual Officer, he was responsible for overseeing the content produced by the organization: articles, videos, talks at conferences, etc.. Retired from TAS in 2018, he remains active in TAS projects and continues to serve on the Board of Trustees.

Kelley é um filósofo, professor e escritor profissional. Após ter obtido um doutoramento em filosofia pela Universidade de Princeton em 1975, entrou para o departamento de filosofia da Faculdade de Vassar, onde leccionou uma grande variedade de cursos a todos os níveis. Também ensinou filosofia na Universidade Brandeis e leccionou frequentemente em outros campi.

Os escritos filosóficos de Kelley incluem obras originais em ética, epistemologia e política, muitas delas desenvolvendo ideias objectivistas em nova profundidade e novas direcções. Ele é o autor de A Evidência dos Sentidos, um tratado de epistemologia; Verdade e Tolerância no Objectivismo, sobre questões do movimento Objectivista; Individualismo sem robustez: A Base Egoísta da Benevolência; e A Arte da Raciocínio, um manual de lógica introdutória amplamente utilizado, agora na sua 5ª edição.

Kelley deu palestras e publicou sobre uma vasta gama de tópicos políticos e culturais. Os seus artigos sobre questões sociais e políticas públicas apareceram em Harpers, The Sciences, Reason, Harvard Business Review, The Freeman, On Principle, e noutros locais. Durante a década de 1980, escreveu frequentemente para a Barrons Financial and Business Magazine sobre questões como o igualitarismo, imigração, leis de salário mínimo, e Segurança Social.

O seu livro Uma Vida Própria: Direitos Individuais e o Estado Providência é uma crítica às premissas morais do Estado social e à defesa de alternativas privadas que preservam a autonomia, a responsabilidade e a dignidade individuais. A sua aparição no ABC/TV especial "Ganância" de John Stossel, em 1998, suscitou um debate nacional sobre a ética do capitalismo.

Especialista reconhecido internacionalmente em Objectivismo, deu amplas palestras sobre Ayn Rand, as suas ideias, e as suas obras. Foi consultor para a adaptação cinematográfica de Atlas Encolhidoe editor de Atlas Encolhido: O Romance, os Filmes, a Filosofia.


Trabalho principal (seleccionado):

"Conceitos e Natureza: A Commentary on The Realist Turn (de Douglas B. Rasmussen e Douglas J. Den Uyl)", Reason Papers 42, no. 1, (Verão 2021); Esta crítica de um livro recente inclui um mergulho profundo na ontologia e epistemologia dos conceitos.

As Fundações do Conhecimento. Seis palestras sobre a epistemologia Objectivista.

"The Primacy of Existence" e "The Epistemology of Perception", The Jefferson School, San Diego, Julho de 1985

"Universals and Induction", duas conferências nas conferências da GKRH, Dallas e Ann Arbor, Março de 1989

"Cepticismo", Universidade de York, Toronto, 1987

"The Nature of Free Will", duas conferências no The Portland Institute, Outubro de 1986

"The Party of Modernity", Cato Policy Report, Maio/Junho de 2003; e Navigator, Nov 2003; Um artigo amplamente citado sobre as divisões culturais entre os pontos de vista pré-modernos, modernos (Iluminismo) e pós-modernos.

"I Don't Have To"(IOS Journal, Volume 6, Número 1, Abril de 1996) e "I Can and I Will"(The New Individualist, Outono/Inverno 2011); peças de acompanhamento para tornar real o controlo que temos sobre as nossas vidas como indivíduos.

Direito / Direitos / Governação