Today at noon, President Obama gave a long-awaited announcement saying that he intends to introduce legislation soon that would ban assault
Atlas Summit 2012 -- The heroes of Atlas Shrugged are rational, productive businesspeople. In Ayn Rand's thought, a career represents the
Note-se, primeiro, que os objectos de lealdade são humanos e institucionais. Um é leal a um amigo, uma organização, um cônjuge, um país...
In order to "preserve competition," the Obama administration forced a food company to sell a dairy plant. The buyer: a private-equity outfit. The plant is no longer in competition. As the Wall Street Journal reports, it is closed .
O Primeiro-Ministro britânico David Cameron está a exortar os líderes dos principais países industrializados a envolverem-se numa guerra global concertada para...
Chicago playwright John Enright discussed his work Wild Flowers at this year's Atlas Summit, and presented a video of the play. Wild Flowers
Atlas Summit 2012 -- We hear all the time that “capitalism is the system that has shaped our world”. However, the fact that capitalism is a
The FTC has ended its investigation of Google with a settlement that interferes—but not as much as some Google competitors had wanted—with
The law required ATMs to advise users of transaction fees both through stickers and through on-screen or printed
Bocejo! O mundo acabou novamente, desta vez a 21 de Dezembro de 2012, como previsto pelo calendário Maia. Parece que poucos dos verdadeiros Maias no
The signals from the anonymous sources have changed. Until recently, the predictions were that the Federal Trade Commission would settle its case against Google this month with only relatively mild restrictions on Google’s ability to rain benefits on its users and make a profit for itself—and those restrictions wouldn’t be backed by a court order.
Nesta palestra, proferida na Cimeira do Atlas de 2012, o Professor Stephen Hicks apresenta uma perspectiva Objectivista sobre empreendedorismo e
As we approach the end of 2012 we continue to see the scenario that Ayn Rand dramatized in Atlas Shrugged playing out in our world. As
We’ve all been warned about the dangers ill-advised Facebook posts can pose to our reputations. But Netflix CEO Reed Hastings is now learni
Atlas Summit 2012 -- In her book, The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand exhorted readers to put the word "selfishness" to its true and proper
Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt says Google’s tax strategy is capitalism—and Google is “proudly capitalistic.”
In his book I Am John Galt, Donald Luskin argues that Nobel-winning economist and op-ed writer Paul Krugman is the perfect living embodiment
November 1, 2004 -- Ten years ago last May, a new type of lawsuit was filed against the tobacco industry. That industry was no stranger to lawsuits; since the 1950s, it had been subjected to more than eight hundred lawsuits, and it had won practically every one of them. It had never paid a penny in court-ordered damages to a smoker or to the estate of a smoker. But this suit was different. It didn't involve smokers; it involved a state—the state of Mississippi—and it involved a new legal theory.
Merriam-Webster anunciou que "capitalismo" e "socialismo" foram as palavras mais procuradas de 2012. Isso não surpreende num ano em que
Religious fundamentalists in the Republican Party scare away sensible voters when they inject their superstitions into public forums