

Liberdade e Virtude na Boa Sociedade

Um dos prazeres de ser idealista e apontar as falhas da sociedade é ser perguntado com demasiada frequência: "Se não gostas disto aqui...

8 de fev., 2011
Bradley Doucet
10 Mins
Education for a New Enlightenment

The young child who turns into the restlessly eager-to-learn, -to create, -to achieve adult is the fountainhead of human progress......

Feb 4, 2011
Marsha Enright
9 Mins
Revisão de "Bioshock

I am Andrew Ryan, and I’m here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat ..

28 de Janeiro, 2011
Patrick Stephens
10 Mins
James D. Watson: Another Gadfly Swatted

The last chapter of James Watson’s story began as he was preparing to launch a book tour through Britain to promote his latest and...

28 de Janeiro, 2011
8 Mins
The Call of the Entrepreneur

This past September, I was thrilled to see The Call of the Entrepreneur , a new documentary by The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion

28 de Janeiro, 2011
Marsha Enright
6 Mins
Boicote da bilheteira da América

Um dos barómetros de tendências culturais mais satisfatórios e sub-notificados é a desoladora tomada de bilheteira dos filmes recentes que atacam os EUA....

28 de Janeiro, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
5 MIns
Washington Legal Foundation Files Amicus Brief no caso Rubashkin

When the ACLU gets involved in a case, even a business rights case, I tend not to notice, because of that organization’s infamous

28 de Janeiro, 2011
2 Mins
Aviador israelita atinge novas alturas na Pintura

Objectivists often look to the past for great artwork to contemplate and admire, avoiding the contemporary art scene as hopelessly......

Jan 27, 2011
Michelle Fram-Cohen
6 Mins
David Mayer Defende a Liberdade do Contrato

Mayer, a professor of law at Capital University Law School in Columbus, Ohio, has just had a book published by the Cato Institute: Liberty..

Jan 27, 2011
2 mins
Revisão do filme: "I Am Legend" (Eu Sou Lenda)

Aqui no sul do Texas, ocasionalmente, sou arrastado de surpresa para conversas com congregantes da Igreja Evangélica Cornerstone, cuja...

Jan 26, 2011
Robert L. Jones
5 Mins
Immortality and Value

Objectivists would try to employ any technology that reliably allowed them to live longer, fuller lives. It is wonderful and life-affirming

Jan 26, 2011
2 Mins
Humanism vs. Objectivism

Humanism is the doctrine that there is only the real world, that reason is our means of knowledge, and that human well-being in this life is

Jan 26, 2011
Book Review: Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War

April 2008 -- If Wernher von Braun had died in 1945 at the end of World War Two, he would have been remembered as the man who led the team..

Jan 26, 2011
Taylor Dinerman
10 Mins
Como os Objectivistas Respondem aos Religiosos

Objectivists are advocates of reason, so we first try to reason with people who believe in ideas supported only by faith...

Jan 26, 2011
2 Mins
The Forbidden O-Word

April 2008 -- Whatever you do, don’t get caught uttering this word. It is the latest addition to a growing list of taboo speech. If you are

Jan 26, 2011
Amanda Hall
10 Mins
Feminism and Objectivism

Objectivism is an individualist philosophy. It holds that each person is a rational animal and that all individuals....

25 de Janeiro, 2011
2 Mins
Livre arbítrio e determinismo

Que temos livre arbítrio é evidente por si mesmo. Optou por escrever esta pergunta. De facto, mais fundamentalmente, optou por pensar sobre isso. Isto é

25 de Janeiro, 2011
2 Mins

Deism is the belief that an omnipotent, eternal, and all-knowing God created reality and set its rules, but that the Deity does not interven

25 de Janeiro, 2011
2 Mins

You can find a discussion of one form of "escapism" (fantasy fiction) in my article " The Charms and Enchantments of Fantasy ." Or consider

25 de Janeiro, 2011
3 Mins

O objectivismo sustenta que não existe um mundo "sobrenatural". Para mais sobre isto, ver as nossas perguntas e respostas sobre Religião e as nossas perguntas e respostas sobre metafísica...

25 de Janeiro, 2011
2 Mins

Promovemos o Objectivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, da realização, do individualismo, e da liberdade.