الاقتصاد\ الأعمال\ التمويل

الاقتصاد\ الأعمال\ التمويل

Why price controls will not solve inflation

Before the government interfered, milk was already expensive, but people could buy it. Now there is only an insufficient amount of milk available. Therefore, total milk consumption falls. The next measure the government can resort to is rationing, but this only means that certain people get milk while other people get no milk at all. These were the exact words of Ludwig von Mises in his 1959 book Economic Policy .

Feb 27, 2023
COVID-19 Is Not Even Close To America's Biggest Problem

The COVID-19 pandemic can be used to illustrate two problems that are both more destructive than the virus. The problems relate to how

Apr 1, 2020
بريس بوكانان
6 Mins
Trump Is Right: Michael Milken Is a Hero, Not a Criminal

“You know, we eat guys like you for lunch every day of the week.” Those were the words of AT&T Chairman John deButts nearly fifty years ago

Mar 10, 2020
5 Mins
The Introverted Drummer and Philosopher of Progressive Rock: Neil Peart Was His Own Hero

As written in the January 1st Poetic Justice Warrior Year in Review, Supremely independent, he was able to integrate his sense of the human

Jan 24, 2020
مارك شوب
6 Mins
The Fatal Flaws of Interventionism Scuttle “Recycling”

Who could even imagine, now, a modern nation without recycling bins, recycling plants, and yoghurt containers made with recycled materials..

Dec 3, 2019
والتر دونواي
10 Mins
Economic Freedom: USA Back in Top 5, Canada 8th

The USA was in decline for the last decade, falling to 16th in 2015, but is now catching up to the world leaders. Canada’s Fraser Institute

Sep 15, 2019
دكتوراه ستيفن هيكيس
2 Mins
11 Economic Stats That Tell Venezuela's Story

A tragedy common to human history is unfolding in Venezuela. It’s impossible to predict how it will end or what the human toll will be.

Jun 25, 2019
جون ميلتيمور
2 Mins
If Amazon Is a "Sweatshop," Why Do So Many People Want to Work There?

“Firing people was easily the worst part of the job.” Those are the words of a great friend of mine who for decades ran a very successful

May 20, 2019
جون تامني
6 Mins
Visible and Invisible Hands

Douglas Den Uyl is vice president of educational programs for Liberty Fund. Douglas Rasmussen is a professor of philosophy at St. John’s

Apr 3, 2018
دوغلاس راسموسن
8 Mins
Would Ayn Rand Airbnb? Why a Superhost is a Selfish Host

My first night as an Airbnb host was a near disaster.I thought I was prepared. Glamour shots of the house – check. Coffee maker – check...

May 6, 2017
جينيفر أ. غروسمان
5 Mins
The Fountainhead: Ayn Rand’s Ode to Entrepreneurship

“There are some rules I’m perfectly willing to obey,” explains Howard Roark, the protagonist of Ayn Rand’s 1943 best seller, The Fountainhe

Apr 5, 2017
إيريك بريانت
5 Mins
Musk, the Moon, and Musts for Achievement

tesla.jpgIf you’re like me, you cheered the announcement by SpaceX head Elon Musk that his company plans to send two people on a slingshot

Mar 3, 2017
إدوارد هودجينز
3 Mins
Video to Rectify Minimal Understanding of Minimum Wage

Quick quiz: If you jack up the price of something, do you think people will buy more or less of it? Apparently, the obvious answer “Less!”..

Jul 26, 2016
إدوارد هودجينز
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Heather Wagenhals

I’m Heather Wagenhals, native Phoenician (from Phoenix, Arizona, that is!), author, speaker, professional coach, and radio talk-show host...

Jun 22, 2016
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Robert Bradley

I am a classical-liberal intellectual, or at least a student of classical liberalism.I specialize in energy history and public policy. That

Jun 7, 2016
3 Mins
How to Celebrate “Be a Millionaire Day”

I don’t know who determined that May 20 should be “Be a Millionaire Day,” though it is a good idea. I do know that most people’s ideologies

May 20, 2016
إدوارد هودجينز
3 Mins
Minimum Wage Reveals Warped Leftist Values

When Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law requiring all employers to pay workers at least $15 per hour, he unbelievably acknowledged that “Economic

Apr 5, 2016
إدوارد هودجينز
4 Mins
Sharing Economy Failure and Prosperity

Many “sharing economy” firms are in trouble! Venture capitalists have lost millions! It’s the beauty of capitalism, improving our lives...

Apr 1, 2016
5 Mins
Minimum Wage is not Economic Justice

California has approved a new law hiking the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2022. Governor Jerry Brown calls the plan “economic justice.”

Mar 29, 2016
4 Mins
Krugman Endorses Theft Via Funny Money

Krugman argues that there is a consensus among economists that returning to the gold standard is a bad idea. Rather, he believes that it is

Mar 26, 2016
إدوارد هودجينز
3 Mins

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