In the 1970s, I attended courses taught by Leonard Peikoff and Alan Blumenthal. Ayn Rand was often present and I got to know her a bit...
Atlas Summit 2012 -- In her book, The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand exhorted readers to put the word "selfishness" to its true and proper
Crianças pequenas são cativadas por histórias de heróis imaginários e heroínas cujas lutas e sucessos se desenrolam em terras míticas ou
Tom Wolfe é um dos observadores contemporâneos mais originais, honestos, e desimpedidos da cultura americana viva hoje em dia. O criador do "Novo
Imagine a novel whose mysterious main character you do not meet until page 236. He is reviled by some for his greed and destructiveness.....
So said James Clavell, an Australian immigrant to America who learned the fundamentals of the American outlook on life in a horrific...
The young child who turns into the restlessly eager-to-learn, -to create, -to achieve adult is the fountainhead of human progress......
This past September, I was thrilled to see The Call of the Entrepreneur , a new documentary by The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion
Jerry Kirkpatrick, a professor of International Business and Marketing at California Polytechnic Institute, has come out with another book a
Durante a maior parte da existência do homem na Terra, o universo tem sido tudo menos benevolente. Fome, cheias e terramotos destruíram todo
Maria Montessori, a primeira mulher a formar-se na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Roma, tornou-se médica em 1896. O seu primeiro posto foi no