Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand

O Detente Suicida do Tabaco Grande

Recently, the U.S. Senate voted 78-15 to give the Food and Drug Administration unprecedented authority to regulate tobacco as a drug. The...

Mar 16, 2010
Andrew Bissell
4 Mins
Ayn Rand at 100: The Moral Defense of Freedom

She was born on February 2, 1905, in Russia. At the age of nine, she decided she wanted to become a writer. As a teenager, she lived through

Mar 16, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Atlas Encolhido em Haight-Ashbury: Um livro de memórias

Like a stock market that has finally found its bottom after a long, volatile decline, my spiritual assets were nearly depleted. I finally...

Apr 1, 2009
Molly Sechrest
10 Mins
As Duas Faces do Capitalismo

Os leitores do Atlas Shrugged de Ayn Rand , que tão notoriamente retratou o homem de negócios americano como um herói, podem muito bem estar a perguntar-se o que dizer

Jan 1, 2008
Robert Bradley, Jr.
8 Mins
A Filosofia Revolucionária de Atlas Shrugged

Uma noite após a publicação de The Fountainhead , Ayn Rand estava ao telefone, discutindo o seu desapontamento com as vendas antecipadas com....

7 de Outubro, 2007
Robert James Bidinotto
9 Mins
Ayn Rand's Philosophical Stunt Novel

Ayn Rand called Atlas Shrugged a “stunt novel.” She meant that it is a rollicking entertainment: a mystery novel with dramatic twists and

7 de Outubro, 2007
William Thomas
8 Mins
Um vislumbre do Ayn Rand primitivo

Ayn Rand. O seu nome é uma espécie de teste psicológico de tornassol; provoca inevitavelmente reacções violentas de admiração feroz ou

7 de Julho, 2007
Robert James Bidinotto
3 Mins
Celebridades Fãs de Rand

Era a noite de 13 de Maio de 2004, e no programa Charlie Rose Show da PBS-TV o apresentador estava a conversar com o actor Brad Pitt sobre Troy...

1 de Janeiro de 2006
Robert James Bidinotto
10 Mins
Honoring Ayn Rand: The Entrepreneur's Philosopher

One of my favorite photographs of Ayn Rand dates back to 1961. In it, she is the only woman at the President's Advanced Round Table of the

Dec 20, 2004
Theodore Kinni
2 Mins
Em honra de Ayn Rand: A Moralidade do Capitalismo

Outside the concentration camps, which all collectivists felt necessary to establish in order to physically exterminate the last vestiges of

Dec 20, 2004
Marian L. Tupy
4 Mins
Honoring Rand: Dagny Shoots and Flies

Dagny Taggart shoots guns and flies airplanes. These rational survival skills exhilarate all the heroes in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged...

Dec 20, 2004
Madeleine Cosman
3 Mins
Em honra de Ayn Rand: Encontrando o Objectivismo, Descobrindo-Me a Mim

I was introduced to Ayn Rand's work in 1984 by Lou Torres, who had founded Aristos, an arts journal informed by her philosophy of art, two

Dec 1, 2004
Michelle Marder Kamhi
3 Mins
As Partes "Perdidas" da Entrevista Playboy de Ayn Rand

1 de Março, 2004
Don Hauptman
10 Mins
Presentes, Gratidão, e Acção de Graças

With only a little imagination, Atlas Shrugged may be read as a tale about ingratitude. Many passages make the point, but the most instruct

Nov 1, 1999
5 Mins
Ayn Rand Swings!

In order to answer that question, I have to share an experience. In the summer of 1991, I was on a three-week tour of Japan, and I finished

1 de Janeiro, 1999
Scott Bullock
7 Mins
Autobiography of an Idea

Ayn Rand said that her first novel, We the Living, was the closest she would ever come to writing an autobiography. Telling the story of...

Feb 1, 1998
David Kelley Ph.D
8 Mins
Correspondence to Reality

The Letters of Ayn Rand. Edited by Michael S. Berliner, Introduction by Leonard Peikoff. New York: Dutton, 1995. 681 pp. including index.

Mar 1, 1995
Donald Heath
5 Mins
Universidade Atlas

Atlas Shrugged is more than a political thriller. It’s a love story. What is love? Is it selfish or selfless? (Featuring clips from Atlas Sh

2 Mins

Promovemos o Objectivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, da realização, do individualismo, e da liberdade.