Filosofia Política

Filosofia Política

Sobre Segurança Comercial para a Liberdade

16 de Outubro de 2001 -- Enquanto o Congresso se prepara para aprovar uma nova lei de segurança e a América enfrenta uma terrível e insidiosa ameaça, não há mais

31 de Março de 2010
2 Mins
Prémio Nobel da Economia

October 18, 2001 -- The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded on October 10 to three economists whose work might have

31 de Março de 2010
Donald Cooper
3 Mins
Qual é a Visão Objectivista do Direito e do Governo (Política)?

"Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately

Mar 25, 2010
6 Mins
Financiamento do Governo vs. o Progresso da Ciência

As invenções há muito que atingiram o seu limite, e não vejo qualquer esperança de desenvolvimento posterior.....

Mar 19, 2010
Malini Kochhar
3 Mins
Character and Color

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Mar 16, 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 mins
Individual Rights: The Objectivist View

The Declaration of Independence states that the purpose of government is to secure the rights of man. Most Americans know and assent to the

May 5, 2009
William Thomas
8 Mins
The Fourth Revolution

O sistema capitalista atingiu a maioridade no século de 1750 a 1850 como resultado de três revoluções. A primeira foi uma revolução política.

May 1, 2009
David Kelley Ph.D
10 Mins
Individualism in Orbit: Morality for the High Frontier

Today, we live “in the future”—the future that for decades had been depicted in science fiction, pursued by scientists and engineers, and...

Jul 1, 2007
Edward Hudgins
10 Mins
The Justice of War

As the United States pursues its war in Afghanistan, the national and the international press have focused attention on the civilian

Dec 1, 2001
Patrick Stephens
10 Mins
Injustiça cega: John Rawls e "A Theory of Justice" (Uma Teoria da Justiça)

John Rawls's A Theory of Justice, which was published thirty years ago, has been the most influential work of political philosophy in the

Jul 1, 2001
Eric Mack
10 Mins
Outtakes from interview with Jerome Huyler

That is an interesting story. Originally, I planned to write a Ph.D. dissertation confined to interpreting Locke's moral and political

Sep 1, 1999
8 Mins
Property, Liberty, Prosperity

When Ayn Rand called capitalism "the unknown ideal," she might have meant one of two things: Capitalism is an ideal social system that we have never known; or, capitalism is a social system that we have never known to be an ideal.

Jun 2, 1999
20 Mins
David e Leviatã

libertário: uma cartilha de David Boaz - uma revisão objectivista "Há vários 'libertários'", escreveu Ayn Rand durante o início dos anos 70...

2 de Abril, 1997
Robert James Bidinotto
9 Mins
The Justification of Government

Metaphysically, we know, man is capable of surviving on his own, something which is apparently not true of ants, termites, and some other...

Jun 28, 1991
7 Mins

Promovemos o Objectivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, da realização, do individualismo, e da liberdade.