Direito / Direitos / Governação

Direito / Direitos / Governação

Criminal Charges for BP?

The Gulf Spill Once again, journalists are speculating about the possibility of bringing criminal charges against BP CEO Tony Hayward...

Jun 24, 2010
2 Mins
O Essencial Esquecido da Filosofia de Jefferson

"The twentieth-century statesman whom the Thomas Jefferson of January 1793 would have admired most is Pol Pot," head of the totalitarian....

Jun 23, 2010
David N. Mayer
10 Mins
Completar a Revolução Americana

Quando forçados a assumir [auto-governo], éramos novatos na sua ciência. Os seus princípios e formas pouco tinham entrado na nossa....

Jun 23, 2010
David N. Mayer
10 Mins
Compreender a Força e a Fraude

An inquiry into fraud (or indeed into direct physical coercion) must begin with an inquiry into rights. For neither fraud nor coercion can

21 de Maio de 2010
5 Mins
Porque é que a caça ao selo é tão impopular?

6 de Fevereiro de 2010 -- Recentemente estalou uma guerra de tortas por causa de uma das práticas mais impopulares do Canadá: a caça às focas. Na segunda-feira, 25 de Janeiro.

6 de Maio de 2010
Bradley Doucet
5 Mins
Estamos a viver no País das Maravilhas?

6 de Março de 2010 - Os amados livros Alice no País das Maravilhas de Lewis Carroll acabam de receber um facelift 3-D do director de bolas estranhas Tim Burton. No

Abr 20, 2010
Bradley Doucet
6 Mins
Switzerland Attacked!

Most Americans know peaceful and prosperous Switzerland—America’s “sister republic”—for its beautiful mountains, tangy cheese, decentralized

4 de Abril de 2010
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Robin Hood e o Congresso dos Assaltantes

April 18, 2005 -- On April 13, the House of Representatives voted to permanently repeal the Estate Tax. More accurately described as the

4 de Abril de 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Rejecting the Fetish of United Nations Consensus

Whether one favors the war against Iraq or not, one's attitude towards the United Nations' role is a revealing Rorschach test; those with

4 de Abril de 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
The Government's Envy Engine

Many Americans understandably are concerned about the Bush administration's proposed Terrorist Information Prevention System, a program to

4 de Abril de 2010
Madeleine Cosman
2 Mins
Um Salto Gigante para a América Fascista: Kelo V. Nova Londres

The U.S. Supreme Court is allowing a local government to kick 87-year-old Wilhelmina Dery out of the house in which she was born, along with

31 de Março de 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Prémio Nobel da Economia

October 18, 2001 -- The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded on October 10 to three economists whose work might have

31 de Março de 2010
Donald Cooper
3 Mins
Obstruction of Freedom

September 10, 2004 -- On September 9, Frank Quattrone, a prominent investment banker formerly with Credit Suisse First Boston, was sentenced

31 de Março de 2010
Edward Hudgins
2 Mins
Qual é a Visão Objectivista do Direito e do Governo (Política)?

"Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately

Mar 25, 2010
6 Mins
Government, Yes! Leviathan, No!

Greg Hitt and Jeanne Cummings wrote on the front page of the Wall Street Journal (September 26, 2001): "In just two weeks, the terrorist....

Mar 19, 2010
5 Mins
Facing Prosecution and Prison with Integrity

James Fleishman has hit the free ground running with his self-published book, Inside Story: The Wall Street Criminal Who Wasn’t. Released

Mar 5, 2010
James J. Treacy
6 Mins
The Persecution of KPMG

If history is any guide, the current economic crisis will have two results. First, large-scale government intervention will make the crisis

May 21, 2009
10 Mins
America's April 15th Civil War

H.L. Mencken once wrote that, “Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.....

Apr 15, 2008
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Eliot Spitzer: Ayatollah General

Eliot Spitzer became the attorney general of New York in 1999. In addition to carrying out the routine functions of that office, he has used

Apr 1, 2005
12 Mins
O caso de Frank Quattrone

Frank Quattrone, the star investment banker of the dot-com era, was convicted in federal court on two counts of obstructing justice and....

Jul 1, 2004
10 Mins

Promovemos o Objectivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, da realização, do individualismo, e da liberdade.