

Obama's Era of Responsibility

“What is required of us now,” said President Barack Obama in his inaugural speech, “is a new era of responsibility—a recognition, on the....

Jun 30, 2009
David Kelley Ph.D
6 Mins
O núcleo moral oco do Irão e Obama

In December 1989, I stopped in Moscow, on my way to Estonia as part of the first group from the West to hold a conference on free markets in

Jun 25, 2009
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Pobreza, Capitalismo, e Classe

When Objectivists speak of capitalism, we mean laissez-faire capitalism, a political system based on the individual rights to life...

Jun 19, 2009
William Thomas
4 Mins
What Happened to Business Prudence?

More than 200 years ago, Adam Smith determined that economic self-interest advanced the wider commercial good as if led by an invisible hand

Jun 1, 2009
Robert L. Bradley, Jr.
3 Mins
The Persecution of KPMG

If history is any guide, the current economic crisis will have two results. First, large-scale government intervention will make the crisis

May 21, 2009
10 Mins
Individual Rights: The Objectivist View

The Declaration of Independence states that the purpose of government is to secure the rights of man. Most Americans know and assent to the

May 5, 2009
William Thomas
8 Mins
The Fourth Revolution

O sistema capitalista atingiu a maioridade no século de 1750 a 1850 como resultado de três revoluções. A primeira foi uma revolução política.

May 1, 2009
David Kelley Ph.D
10 Mins
Obama's Grab-Bag Socialism

We can understand why President Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress do not want to call their attempts to socialize America’s economy..

Apr 4, 2009
Edward Hudgins
7 Mins
Porque não acabamos com o esquema Ponzi gerido pelo Governo?

Bernard Madoff declarou-se culpado na passada quinta-feira, 12 de Março, de gerir um enorme esquema Ponzi que enganou os investidores em cerca de 65 mil milhões de dólares. Ele

19 de Março de 2009
Bradley Doucet
6 Mins
Pintos Obama em Bondage

Winston Churchill famously observed that, “socialism is the equal sharing of misery.” In the same spirit, Democratic presidential candidate

Oct 24, 2008
Edward Hudgins
7 Mins
Mining Nature's Ultimate Resource

In 1972, just two years after the first Earth Day, a team of scholars from MIT published a 200-page book called The Limits to Growth. Using

Sep 1, 2008
Robert L. Bradley, Jr.
Obama and McCain: The Selfless-Driven Interviews

The first 2008 presidential election event involving the presumptive nominees, Illinois Democratic Senator Barack Obama and Arizona Republic

Aug 19, 2008
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
America's April 15th Civil War

H.L. Mencken once wrote that, “Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.....

Apr 15, 2008
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
The War Over Libertarian Foreign Policy

The 9/11 attacks and the subsequent war on Islamic jihadism divided virtually every ideological faction in America. On the far left,

Apr 1, 2008
9 Mins
Econophobia: The Irrational Fear of Makers and Marketers

What has prompted people, over the course of three millennia, to look upon work and commerce as degrading and deceitful? Why have they

Jan 1, 2008
7 Mins
As Duas Faces do Capitalismo

Os leitores do Atlas Shrugged de Ayn Rand , que tão notoriamente retratou o homem de negócios americano como um herói, podem muito bem estar a perguntar-se o que dizer

Jan 1, 2008
Robert Bradley, Jr.
8 Mins
Capitalist Heroes

Ayn Rand published her magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged in 1957. It's an enduringly popular novel -- all 1,168 pages of it -- with some 150,000

Oct 10, 2007
David Kelley Ph.D
4 Mins
A Política de Pluviometria Mútua

Como os preços do petróleo, da gasolina e do gás natural dispararam no último ano, muitas pessoas exigiram que o governo fizesse

7 de Setembro, 2007
Robert James Bidinotto
7 Mins
Individualism in Orbit: Morality for the High Frontier

Today, we live “in the future”—the future that for decades had been depicted in science fiction, pursued by scientists and engineers, and...

Jul 1, 2007
Edward Hudgins
10 Mins
Rx for Coercion

It's one of the hottest ideas in health care policy.

Jul 1, 2007
David Hogberg
6 Mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.