Filosofia Política

Filosofia Política

Sidebar: Pioneiros do igualitarismo

Richard Henry Tawney (1880-1962) foi um historiador britânico que passou a maior parte da sua carreira na London School of Economics. Escreveu amplamente sobre

8 de Setembro de 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Mins
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters -and Multiculturalists

This is a collection of essays and reviews by an American sociologist who for some forty years has been slugging it out in academic journals

Aug 31, 2010
Walter Donway
10 Mins
The Parasites' Paradise

September/October 2002 -- BOOK REVIEW: Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism . By Joshua Muravchik. (San Francisco, Calif...

Aug 30, 2010
Howard Dickman
8 Mins
Nat Hentoff and David Kelley on Libel Laws, Pro and Con

libel laws pro and conFrom "In this video from a 1986 Free Press Association event, Nat Hentoff and David Kelley engage

Aug 15, 2010
2 Mins
War: An Objectivist View

Consider two horrific acts. Number one: a depressed father enters his living room, shoots his wife and children, and then himself. Number

Jul 1, 2010
William Thomas
10 Mins
Libertarianism and Objectivism: Compatible?

Libertarianism is the political position that all human relationships should be voluntary, i.e. not subject to the initiation of force by...

Jun 29, 2010
William Thomas
5 Mins
Choose or Lose: How Regulation Destroys Value

When economic crises hit, politicians of both parties are demanding more regulation of the economy. Failures in banking and finance...

Jun 26, 2010
William Thomas
10 mins
O Essencial Esquecido da Filosofia de Jefferson

"The twentieth-century statesman whom the Thomas Jefferson of January 1793 would have admired most is Pol Pot," head of the totalitarian....

Jun 23, 2010
David N. Mayer
10 Mins
The Normality of Freedom

In 2003, the Supreme Court declared that people challenging the constitutionality of an economic regulation must "negative every conceivable

Jun 22, 2010
Timothy Sandefur
10 Mins
In Defense of Cowboy Capitalism

Many Americans—and even more Europeans—employ a pre-modern ideal when judging the market economy. According to this ideal, individuals enter

Jun 16, 2010
9 Mins
Nacionalismo: Irá ajudar um país a prosperar?

Nationalism is the doctrine that a unitary cultural and political entity, the nation, should be the organizing principle of society....

Jun 11, 2010
William Thomas
4 Mins
Discurso Livre e Pós-modernismo

Na última palestra, analisámos os argumentos que ganharam o debate pela liberdade de expressão. Historicamente, esses argumentos foram aninhados em

Jun 11, 2010
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
7 Mins
Compreender a Força e a Fraude

An inquiry into fraud (or indeed into direct physical coercion) must begin with an inquiry into rights. For neither fraud nor coercion can

21 de Maio de 2010
5 Mins
Existe um Direito aos Cuidados de Saúde?

Bill Clinton concorreu à presidência no ano passado, atacando os anos 80 como uma "década de ganância" - atacando as aquisições alavancadas e a aquisição hostil

12 de Maio de 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
10 Mins
Altruísmo e Capitalismo

O sistema capitalista atingiu a maioridade no século de 1750 a 1850 como resultado de três revoluções. A primeira foi uma revolução política.

12 de Maio de 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
10 Mins
Guia de Estudo das Fundações: Filosofia Política

Fred Miller é professor de filosofia e director executivo do Centro de Filosofia e Política Social da Bowling Green State University.

3 de Maio de 2010
Fred Miller
10 Mins
Os accionistas "possuem" uma sociedade?

Early in her novel Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand presents us with a scene aboard a train that is entering Philadelphia. “An office building...

14 de Abril de 2010
8 Mins
Objectivism and the Military

Objectivism has no position on most of the questions you ask, and in many cases the same general answer applies: We'll see when we get there

14 de Abril de 2010
William Thomas
3 Mins
How is Marxism different than Objectivism?

Marxism and Objectivism are similar in very few respects: —They are systems of thought. But Marxism is primarily a political and economic

14 de Abril de 2010
William Thomas
2 Mins
Rights and Self-Interest

Objectivism's social ethic (which underlies its theory of rights) is based on the recognition of a complex fact about rational beings: that

Apr 8, 2010
William Thomas
3 Mins

Promovemos el objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.