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Comments on the theory of the social contract?

Comments on the theory of the social contract?

January 31, 2024

Question: Comments on the theory of the social contract?

Answer: That’s a deep and complicated question. I would say, I like social contract theory as part of political theory because it does capture an important aspect of morality-based politics, which is the informed consent of the governed. And certainly, in historical times when we get back to the beginnings of the modern world, the idea of the consent of the governed was just not part of traditional political theory.

Instead, you were a subject. You were expected to obey higher authority. So, I think the emphasis on that historically has been a useful corrective. At the same time, consent is only part of the story because we know people can consent to all kinds of crazy things in subjectivist fashion; and a full theory has to have not only consent, but consenting to things that are in fact, objectively good.

If we all consented to sell ourselves into slavery, those would not be valid contracts. If we all consented to engage in a battle royale where we’re just going to try to kill each other off, that would not be a valid contract. So, it has to be objectively good principles that we understand and consent to. That’s what the full theory has to consist of.

Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
About the author:
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.

Stephen R. C. Hicks ist Senior Scholar der Atlas Society und Professor für Philosophie an der Rockford University. Er ist auch Direktor des Zentrums für Ethik und Unternehmertum der Rockford University.

Er ist Autor von Die Kunst des Denkens: Lesungen für die logische Analyse (W.W. Norton & Co., 1998), Erklärung der Postmoderne: Skepsis und Sozialismus von Rousseau bis Foucault (Stipendium, 2004), Nietzsche und die Nazis (Ockhams Rasiermesser, 2010), Unternehmerisch leben (CHEF, 2016), Für und Wider des Liberalismus (Connor Court, 2020), Kunst: modern, postmodern und darüber hinaus (mit Michael Newberry, 2021) und Acht Bildungsphilosophien (2022). Er hat veröffentlicht in Geschäftsethik vierteljährlich, Rückblick auf Metaphysik, und Das Wall Street Journal. Seine Schriften wurden in 20 Sprachen übersetzt.

Er war Gastprofessor für Wirtschaftsethik an der Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Visiting Fellow am Social Philosophy & Policy Center in Bowling Green, Ohio, Gastprofessor an der University of Kasimir the Great, Polen, Visiting Fellow am Harris Manchester College der Universität Oxford, England, und Gastprofessor an der Jagiellonian University, Polen.

Seine B.A.- und M.A.-Abschlüsse stammen von der University of Guelph, Kanada. Er promovierte in Philosophie an der Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.

2010 gewann er den Excellence in Teaching Award seiner Universität.

Sein Open College-Podcast-Serie wird von Possibly Correct Productions, Toronto, veröffentlicht. Seine Videovorträge und Interviews sind online unter CEE-Videokanal, und seine Website ist

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