German Chancellor Angela Merkel is not returning U.S. President Barack Obama's calls. I'm being theatrical. Obama is demanding that Germany
When economic crises hit, politicians of both parties are demanding more regulation of the economy. Failures in banking and finance...
Front, my side (call us the “Alliance for Choice”) was recently crushed by the Egalitarian Axis in the Battle of the Universal Pre-K Lottery
A epistemologia é o ramo da filosofia que investiga a natureza básica do conhecimento, incluindo as suas fontes e validação...
Antes da filosofia durante dezenas de milhares de anos, os seres humanos não viam o mundo como nós o vemos. Porque é que o Nilo se ergueu e inundou o campo
For as long as there has been an Objectivist movement, its ranks have periodically been thinned by schisms and excommunications, power...
Segue-se o Capítulo 5 do livro O Legado Contestável de Ayn Rand: Verdade e Tolerância no Objectivismo, de David Kelley.
The Gulf Spill Once again, journalists are speculating about the possibility of bringing criminal charges against BP CEO Tony Hayward...
Twenty years ago, on February 24, 1990, George Walsh and David Kelley stood before a crowded lecture hall in New York City to announce the
Como os leitores desta Revista sabem, nos últimos meses, o Instituto tem vindo a lutar contra a medicina socializada, patrocinando uma série de palestras...
I concur in the conclusion of the Scholars Commission: the allegation that Thomas Jefferson fathered one or more children by his slave....
What she came up with may give you the giggles. But the plastic horn-shaped device, dubbed a “ SheWee ,” has become a hot commodity for...
I’m never impressed by those studies that come out every so often showing that some large percentage of the American citizenry “does not
You asked “Are we any safer?” I have to ask you, safer from what? If we are talking about a repeat of the 9/11 incident, I think we are.....
"The twentieth-century statesman whom the Thomas Jefferson of January 1793 would have admired most is Pol Pot," head of the totalitarian....
Quando forçados a assumir [auto-governo], éramos novatos na sua ciência. Os seus princípios e formas pouco tinham entrado na nossa....
We are surrounded by examples, from the sublime to the murderous, that illustrate the importance in human life of the systems of belief we
A moralidade objectivista, disse Ayn Rand, baseia-se na escolha de viver. Uma questão perene no Objectivismo é se....
Daniel Dennett (pictured at left) is a philosopher known for advocating a reductionistic view of consciousness, and for promoting the theory
In 2003, the Supreme Court declared that people challenging the constitutionality of an economic regulation must "negative every conceivable